Jester Park Natural Playscape

One of the best play areas we’ve ever been to is in the backyard of the Des Moines metro area – Jester Park Natural Playscape. It’s a mere 25 minute drive and worth it!  We missed out on a play date earlier this weekend, and so made the trek this morning. Though it’s 82 andContinue reading “Jester Park Natural Playscape”

Spring Gardening

We tore out a section of our railing in April.  We left the section around the door, but the resulting space is along the walk to the house is quite wonderful – no more walking all the way around a paint flaking, rusty, shaky railing to get to the yard. After removing the railing, weContinue reading “Spring Gardening”

Easter Brunch 2016

Easter was a little while ago, I know.  However, I have been busy taking two classes, testing the waters for big and exciting changes coming soon.  I actually started this post just after Easter and it has been sitting as a draft since then.  I have quite a few artwork drafts sitting around right nowContinue reading “Easter Brunch 2016”

Christmas 2015

This year for our Christmas Day meal, I decided to make a blueberry pie.  It’s good to shake things up a bit, especially on holidays, I think.  Some of my family would disagree and say this is a terrible idea – why mess with a a good thing, especially on holidays?!  It is due toContinue reading “Christmas 2015”

Mixed Media Necklace + Holiday Decor

I have been organizing my art room and basement craft stash this winter, in an effort to purge what I don’t need, use what I have, and make room for cold day play with my kids.  I discovered some fun unfinished projects in this process. My mom gave me a couple bags of Hand-felted WoolContinue reading “Mixed Media Necklace + Holiday Decor”

High Trestle Trail Ride

 Last Sunday we finally made our way to the High Trestle Trail in Iowa.  We started in Woodward, Iowa, which is about a 30 minute drive from Des Moines.  We drove up after breakfast, fully loaded with snacks, water bottles, and the orange bike sticking out on either side of our car rack like anContinue reading “High Trestle Trail Ride”

Crayon Watercolor Resist Easter Eggs

I opted for something right up my art teacher alley for Easter egg decorating this year and went with the tried and true magic of crayon and watercolor resist.  Just as I suspected, they were a hit with my toddler! We started with 18 hard boiled eggs, and only allowed them to cool slightly afterContinue reading “Crayon Watercolor Resist Easter Eggs”

Egg, Hash-brown & Sausage Breakfast Casserole

This simple 4 ingredient breakfast casserole is perfect for serving a large group or saving for leftovers.  My mother in law brought a similar one for our Christmas brunch and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.  Since I didn’t have her recipe, I winged it and was quite pleased with the results.  We hadContinue reading “Egg, Hash-brown & Sausage Breakfast Casserole”