Winter Window Cat

Collage/mixed media is my favorite media. Cats in windows and winter are some favorite subject matter. I combined these favorites with a new (to me) technique to make this small and cozy artwork of a cat napping in a house plant. I wanted a window that had a glass-like texture. I have used gloss gel mediumContinue reading “Winter Window Cat”

Assemblage Box & Collage Card

This past fall, I created an assemblage box with natural items from beaches and fields and river beds. I started by taking apart an old cigar box and painting the lid black with acrylic paint. Next, I collaged a section of torn paper from an old book explaining how to play bridge. I wanted thisContinue reading “Assemblage Box & Collage Card”

Bluebird Lino Cut Cards

I haven’t posted much here lately, as I have not been creating very much. I made these up for greeting cards/gifts for neighbors and friends. Bluebirds have always had a special place in my heart. Our little hilltop has always been a prolific bluebird area and it quickly became the namesake of our hilltop –Continue reading “Bluebird Lino Cut Cards”

Winter Mixed Media Art

I have been squeezing in studio time as much as I am able to these days. I keep stalling out on a now years-long project with a winter solstice theme. I am more than halfway through the project, however I have a few images in this series that just need a complete do-over. This wasContinue reading “Winter Mixed Media Art”

Nebraska Embroidery

With the start of the school year looming, I’m trying to wrap up some unfinished projects around here. This particular embroidery was started over spring break. I tried to add a few details, but ultimately ended up ripping them all out, and instead opting for a simple landscape. You can find it for sale here.Continue reading “Nebraska Embroidery”

Waffle Series Pronto Prints

This is another pronto plate series I printed during my spring printing class at the Des Moines Art Center. The inspiration comes from my family’s love of eating waffles and our recent addition of a flock of ten hens for egg-laying purposes. I started with a printing the waffles. Pronto plate is a modern takeContinue reading “Waffle Series Pronto Prints”

Cheese & Macaroni

I just wrapped up a printmaking class at the Des Moines Art Center. I’ve done relief printing most of my life, but wanted to dive deeper into other printmaking techniques. My new-found printmaking love is a modern lithography technique called pronto plate. The pronto plate is drawn on with Sharpie and then taped to aContinue reading “Cheese & Macaroni”

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day

I’ve been using printmaking to make Valentine’s since I was a kid – maybe started this tradition when I was in 3rd grade? My parents were always into printmaking and they thankfully taught me linocut early on. This year I had to go with the masked theme. Some of these will be available in theContinue reading “Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day”