Under the Bed Kid Curated Art

I have been reading a fascinating book called, How Children Make Art: Lessons in Creativity from Home to School by George Szekely. There is a fascinating section in the book about pre-service teachers making home visits to document and discuss their students’ collections in their bedrooms, as a way to help future teachers balance theContinue reading “Under the Bed Kid Curated Art”

DIY Vinegar Cleaning Spray

I hate artificial smells & perfumes and anything too heavily scented, even if it is natural. Overly strong smells make me twitchy and sneezy. So when I grabbed a couple of these amber glass spray bottles, I decided to try out my own natural cleaning concoction. I started with a large glass jar and filledContinue reading “DIY Vinegar Cleaning Spray”

Egg Carton Wreath

As I got out spring decor this year, I realized I did not have an egg carton wreath for my own front door, even though I was certain I had one somewhere in the basement.  Nope.  No luck, the wreath was absolutely, nowhere to be found. It was then that I realized I had assistedContinue reading “Egg Carton Wreath”

Updated Baby Shower Game

It’s wild to think that the last baby shower I threw was almost 4 years ago, when I was pregnant with my youngest!  Now, we are showering the friend who helped throw this last shower.  Today, I updated the baby shower game, What’s in Your Purse?, and thought I would share the new and improvedContinue reading “Updated Baby Shower Game”

Boredom Buster Books

I finally got around to creating a set of small take-along binders for my two kids.  They are forever wanting to be busy, constantly restless in restaurants, and my eldest is always wanting to write or draw something.  Here is what my solution looks like: A half-sized, mini binder filled with pocket dividers, page protectorsContinue reading “Boredom Buster Books”

Bleached Bones + Beetles

Quite frankly, this is a post I have been wanting to write but also avoiding like the plague.  It will easily be one of my most personal posts to-date, as it shares parts of my childhood history.  I have always collected objects and items from the natural world – having amassed a large rock and insectContinue reading “Bleached Bones + Beetles”

Natural Dyed Eggs 

This year, for Easter, we decided to try something a little different for the egg decorating.  I ventured into natural dyes – something I had tried with success for Greta’s car cake for her 3rd birthday.  To entertain the kids, even more, I had them paint some of the eggs and add washi tape –Continue reading “Natural Dyed Eggs “

Living Room Built-ins

Just as the trees sap starts to flow as spring nears, my creative juices start flowing and my right brain warms up at the thought of spring break and the ever-nearing summer off. For me, break from work brings the joy of less-interrupted project time. Today we got out the PANTONE Moroccan Blue paint and touchedContinue reading “Living Room Built-ins”

Valentines 2016

  I still loathe buying greeting cards.  It’s a DIY disease – “I can make that.”  This year’s Valentines have a bike theme going on.  I made this fun little stamp a couple weekends ago while Greta was working on her bicycle and heart print.  Or was that last weekend?  I don’t know…this time ofContinue reading “Valentines 2016”