Easy Dresser Update

This dresser was a happy thrift store find for me – I love the Mid Century Modern look since I was a kid and have incorporated quite a bit of it into my home.  This actually matches a nightstand we have that we found in North Carolina, however it was in rougher shape and neededContinue reading “Easy Dresser Update”

Recycled Crayons {2014 Valentine’s Day Cards}

Greta and I recently raided my crayon stash for all the small nubs that are just too difficult to use for big and small hands alike.  These turned out so well – my next move is to raid the crayons in my classroom and make new crayons for my students to use.  No sense inContinue reading “Recycled Crayons {2014 Valentine’s Day Cards}”

DIY S’more Costume

Greta will be transformed into an iconic campfire dessert for Halloween this year – the S’more!  Greta’s costume this year came to me in a fit of unpacking, of course.  It was simple to make and only took an hour or so of my time.  Best of all, it fits over clothing and jackets, soContinue reading “DIY S’more Costume”

Printer’s Shelf turned Jewelry Storage

This printer’s shelf was a wedding gift from a friend and admittedly it has been hanging out in my art room for quite some time.  Having seen various ways to turn these into lovely works of art for displaying jewelry, I decided to take this in my own direction, and make it a memento ofContinue reading “Printer’s Shelf turned Jewelry Storage”

Easy DIY Bedside Organizer

{UPDATE: Since this post was created, we have moved and have created a new use for this bedside organizer.  Click on the link to see the updated idea of a DIY Charging Station.} Our home is an older, smaller home.  With that being said our bedroom has room for only one nightstand. The only nightstand isContinue reading “Easy DIY Bedside Organizer”